Chillventa continues to surprise

With a total of 8 pavilions completely full of exhibitors and visitors, the biennial fair of refrigeration \"Chillventa\", which takes place this week from 11 to 13 October in Nuremberg city in Germany, can already be considered the biggest fair of all time.

An increase of 13% in the useful area of exposure, the feria has approximately 1.000 exhibiting companies, among which the major players launch Global trends that might be on the market in the coming years.

At the same time that the usable space of exposure increased, the audience also did not disappointed, companies from around the world visit this fair to update technically as well, to create and strengthen business relationships.

Like everything else in Germany, the fair is also an example of planning and organization, everything works in a practical and agile way, the access through railways are an spectacle part of agility, functionality and organization.

About some trends observed at the beginning of the fair, it\'s possible to report for example Microchannel technology being less explored, there is rather traditional finned gaining new versions, geometries and alternative gauges, etc.

In the 2010 and 2012 editions, the microchannel technology seemed to be taking care, today can be seen a decrease in this trend due to various difficulties faced by manufacturers in the field.

In the issue of refrigerants fluid, natural fluids seem to be even the flavor of the month, new solutions have been tested with propane, CO2, ammonia, etc.

And so follows the fair, a real bath of knowledge and opportunities for the passionate world of Refrigeration.

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