Constructive Differentials of the Equpments Delta High Standard

Top 12 Reasons to Apply DHS Evaporators and Condensers:

1 - Polcas Rivets and screws in stainless steel, guaranteeing intact threads and preserving the aesthetics of these components.

2 - Chassis in aluminum Naval alloy, avoiding oxidation and keeping the piece properly structured.

3 - Stainless steel hinges, avoiding any possibility of oxidation and loss of functionality.

4 - Rigid fins with 0.25mm thickness. Preservation of high efficiency and contact factor vane X tube over time, supporting the sudden daily temperature fluctuations inside the coil;

5 - Modules totally independents for each fan, avoiding interferences of operation between fans.

6 - Highly protected electrical connection kit inside the fairing, ensuring protection against moisture.

7 - Special welding with additional surface protection, ensuring tightness throughout the life of the coil.

8 - Standard fin spacing of 7mm, retarding the locking of the finned and providing operation with less possible use of electrical resistances, is more time of cooling and less time of defrost.

9 - Fairing with more than 1000 hours of resistance against Saline Mist, guarantee of long useful life with preservation of aesthetics.

10 - Cabling with special protection, ensuring electrical safety in the cabling of motors and resistors.

11 - Modular Electric Resistors for invisible cabling, providing the advantages of the modular defrosting system without any apparent cables.

12 - Connectors system

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