Protec Evaporators: Quality for Dairy Refrigeration

Since the appearance of cheeses, thousands of years ago, their production has evolved a lot, generating different varieties of this product that today is part of our daily lives. Cheese is not only delicious, but also highly nutritious, being fundamental in strengthening bones and protecting the heart. However, despite its historical, social and economic importance, there is still knowledge about its production process capable of generating great financial returns that are not widely disseminated in the market.

Problems such as high level of maintenance and frequent changes of evaporators are common in the dairy industry. This is due to the atmosphere of the facilities, which has a high concentration of salt and lactic acids, elements that are aggressive if the equipment is unsuitable for these environments. Besides, cleaning the evaporators is essential both to ensure sanitary hygiene and the quality of the cheese and to prevent the equipment from having a reduced life cycle.


Photo 1: detail of an evaporator with marked wear and tear caused by contact with an environment with high salt concentration


Cost X benefit


As an evaporator loses its performance, the costs with electricity increase, as the system tries to compensate for the drop in performance. Besides, even small temperature differences can directly impact the final quality of the product, which may even be imperceptible at first, but, over time, the consequences end up appearing.


What are the total costs of the hassle, of disrupting the normal flow of the cheese production and storage processes and of delaying the delivery of an important order?


When talking about cost x benefit, observing the durability of the evaporators is essential. The evaporators of the Protec concept maintain their performance over time, which guarantees temperature control and cheese quality. They last at least 4 times longer than common evaporators, which makes the return of investment much greater, reduces switching costs and eliminates waste.


Graph: Comparison of life cycle of traditional evaporators x Protec concept evaporator


For example: let's say that a common evaporator costs R$ 5,000.00, while a Protec concept evaporator costs R$ 12,000.00, and the costs of freight, installation and fluid replacement (for any model) add up to another R $ 5,000, 00. Taking into account only the value of the evaporators and exchange costs, we can see that the payback is already less than 9 months.


Graphic: Protec evaporator payback evolution

If this is the return on direct investment, it is reasonable to assume that the real payback is around 2 to 3 months, in most dairy products. This is because, in the real payback, the gains obtained with energy savings would be added, since these costs, in the case of common evaporators, start to increase in the first months, even though the reduction in efficiency is almost invisible at the beginning of the deterioration process.

Are you enjoying the reading? Check here the Infographic of the impact of PROTEC on Cheese production



There are several specific characteristics of the Protec concept that, combined, provide tailor-made solutions for producers. 0.25mm fins, which are thicker than those of conventional evaporators, for example, have triple advantage: they increase the durability of the coil and improve not only the hygiene conditions, but also the thermal efficiency of the evaporator.

The Protec line also have protection against Galvanic Piles, a very common effect that deteriorates the coil, and Ecoat immersion protection, which shields the base material against external aggressors. Another distinguishing feature is its Stainless Cabinet, both for the front coif as well as for lateral inspection doors and water collecting tray, protecting the equipment from the corrosive environment.

Finally, fastening materials, such as the grids that support the motors, are also protected by Ecoat immersion, and other elements such as screws, washers and hinges are made of stainless steel, which increases the durability of the equipment.

Protec Line

Deltafrio is a pioneer in the development and manufacture of specific evaporators for application in aggressive environments, with emphasis on the dairy industry in Brazil. Therefore, its solutions for this type of application have been improved over the years, reaching a high degree of innovation and maturity.

Protec line Evaporators eliminate the inconveniences that cause loss of time and that, today, are unacceptable. Time is money, and durable solutions are a basic prerequisite to optimize production and escape any unnecessary stress.

More than concern about the notable increase in the actions and assessments of the health surveillance agencies, facilitating hygiene also comes from a place of conscience: we are dealing with food and human health, what can be more important?

Finally, we are all responsible for our planet and we must do our part to preserve it. The concern with the environment is urgent, and our children and grandchildren will certainly thank us. Protec evaporators are the best choice for the present and the future: everyone wins.



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