Already planning the future

It is no exaggeration to say that the 2016 edition was surprising, both for exhibitors and for visitors.

Before the show, behind the scenes it was noticed a very positive expectation, expectation that was anchored mainly because of the favorable climatic conditions of Florida, as well as at the moment of positivity of the US economy.

But the fact is that even before the fair, already had around 40,000 registered visitors, and what was noted during the event was that new inscriptions were happening all the time.

The two main days, there was even a certain difficulty in transit through the halls, this aspect was not repeated on the third day, which is already characteristic of AHR Expo.

The next edition will be in early 2017 in Las Vegas, and is expected to be another great success, because the city itself also has a huge potential audience appeal.

Deltafrio will be there again, step by step strengthening image of the brand in the international market.

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