Cold technique Journey at Honduras

Relying on excellent public, the 3rd edition of the congress \"Cold Techniques Journey\" held in the city of San Pedro Sula - Honduras, can be summed up as an absolute success.

The event promoted by Friopartes of Honduras managed to fill the auditorium, bringing together most of the main refrigerations technicians of Honduras.

The congress started 8:30 am of last Saturday and ended 17:30 pm, and at the end of the day, the hall was still crowded.

At total, there were 5 technical presentations throughout the day, huge interest issues interest and thus, there was great participation by people with questions and ideas debate throughout the day.

We also need to comment about the great interest of Hondurans in training, who dedicated much of their\'s weekend, or an entire Saturday to gain knowledge.

We can\'s forget also the great effort realized by Friopartes in organizing this event, which was done in a perfect way and that makes it can now be considered one of the most important congresses in Central America.

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