The reason of the inspiration for the Orange

Among various habits of Americans, one to be noted is certainly the large consumption of orange juice, about 15 times bigger than the Brazilian.

Against this number is the fact that Brazil is the world\'s largest fruit producer, reaching produce twice what is produced in the United States.

It is very common to see in North American supermarkets orange juice in gallons. There are gallons of different volumes and shapes, so, the Americans are used not only to buy orange juice liter, but many liters at the same time.

Almost all American orange juice is produced in Florida, and due to this almost addiction to the drink, the fruit is almost idolized in this state.

Drawings, images and photos of the fruit are everywhere, including in automobile nameplates.

The same way, the great and beautiful exhibition center of the city of Orlando has \"Orange\" even in the name, and its amazing design, in addition to ensuring efficiency in lighting, it still makes a great advertisement of the fruit.

Cheers to Orange, with orange juice, sure!

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