Project \"Knowing the Industry\"

In order to understand a little more about the reality of Brazilian industries, CNI - National Confederation of Industry, organized the project \"Knowing the industry\".

The idea of this project is to bring together representatives of the federal executive power and the main financial entities of the country, of the national industries, so punished by the the public policies and the unfavorable economic scenery.

Because of being always actively participating in different programs through Apex and IEL, Deltafrio was one of the 5 companies chosen to be visited by the delegation.

The visit to Deltafrio took place on Wednesday 12/07/2016, initially at Deltafrio\'s auditorium, held by the coordinator of P&D of Deltafrio, Leonardo Kich, accompanied by a visit to the industrial plant.

Brasília\'s entourage was composed of representatives of the presidency of the republic, Bank of Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal, CNI and BNDS.

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