Deltafrio celebrates its first 15 years

1) Which is the reason for the success of Deltafrio in the segment of evaporators and condensers?
Besides being a company that constantly seeks to improve its industrial and administrative processes, one aspect that we consider very relevant is the fact that we are constantly deepening our technical and scientific knowledge. We understand that the greater is our knowledge, the more intelligent the solutions we develop will be and the more the market will recognize us as a company with innovative solutions.

2) What are the competitive advantages of the technologies developed by the company?
Driven by the Slogan \"Differences that anticipate the future\", Deltafrio has been making a constant movement of Research and Development. At Deltafrio we are restless, we dedicate a significant portion of our time to Innovations, we are aware that Innovation is a path surrounded by uncertainties and that it takes a lot of persistence, mistakes, and correctness to at some point be able to hit the target.

The project that we consider to be the most promising developed in this sense is ECOturbo, it is a pioneering project, fruit of years of insistence in the way of innovation and that at this moment is still in the phase of fine-tuning. We can say that we are being perfectionists in this project, we want to leave it as stoned as possible before beginning the commercialization.

3) What short and medium term strategic actions has the company adopted to overcome the difficulties imposed by the adverse economic scenario in the Brazilian market?
Exactly 10 years ago, Deltafrio started an external market work, it is a slow process, which takes time to produce results because it is necessary to develop mutual trust between importer and exporter, this is definitely not a job that is done from one hour to another. In our segment, foreign market clients want to develop long-term partnerships, that\'s why it\'s necessary lots of conversation and information gathering before the first sale, this process can sometimes take several years until the first business is completed.
Fortunately, Deltafrio has been able to do a very solid job in this direction, so we are now very well consolidated in most countries of latin and central america.

4) What long-term strategies does the company plan to adopt (or is already adopting) in the post-crisis moment?
Despite the crisis, Deltafrio is firmly committed to its principles, of which Innovation is our greatest asset to continue to advance commercially in the future. We believe that projects like ECOturbo have the potential to conquer other markets such as the North American and European. Our strategy is very clear, continue to advance through Innovation.

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