Company event is honored by the industry press

Deltafrio again was news, this time in a report about the company\'s 15 years.

The report commemorates the anniversary of the brand as well as recognizes and emphasizes the importance of the Company\'s intense Research and Development process to overcome the crisis that affected a large part of the national industry in 2016. In the midst of the national situation of financial tightening and with increasingly competitive markets, the companies that can survive are undoubtedly the ones that differentiate themselves, and this is why Deltafrio is always looking for innovation, an important result of this work is the pioneering project ECOturbo, Which mixes efficiency and economy in the best possible version of an evaporator.

The ECOturbo project had another pleasant surprise at the beginning of 2017, the patent certificate recognized and provided by INPI, what means, until 2025 the idea is a property unic and exclusive from Deltafrio.

In addition to the innovation process, the report also reminds the gradual and effective process of internationalization of the brand Deltafrio, which is increasingly seeking not only to be present in Brazil but also to expand worldwide, so the industry does not depend only on the internal market and economy.

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