Orange County Convention Center US prepares for the AHR EXPO 2016

In days interspersed sun and rain, the Orange county convention center in the city of Orlando in Florida is preparing to host the largest North American Refrigeration Fair.

The AHR EXPO 2016 will be held on 25, 26 and 27 January at this beautiful and very modern work of architecture and engineering, providing over 121,000 square meters of exhibition.

Besides being an imposing work of rare beauty, details remember sliced oranges providing a uniqueness to this true north American monument. The perfect infrastructure, lakes and vegetation in the vicinity of the exhibition center complete the setting worthy of postcard.

It will be about 2000 companies representing all segments of the HVACR industry. Deltafrio will be participating for the 3rd consecutive year of this that is also one of the main fairs of the Refrigeration segment in the world.

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