Training week in Peru and Colombia

The four technical lectures held by Deltafrio this week (November 14 to 18, 2016) in the cities of Lima, Peru, Bogotá, Medellin and Cali in Colombia, emphasized very important technical issues, so that the 4 hours of each lecture passed flying.

In the introduction, in addition to presenting the company, in all the lectures was commented a little about the work of Innovation that is made by the company, in particular, the important advantages of ECOturbo, product that will be in the market from 2017.

The lectures were held in a logical sequence, beginning with the presentation and practical exercises in the new version of the DELF software. The software has even more practical interfaces, besides allowing the calculation of thermal load of cold chambers, it also selects and indicates the most suitable evaporators.

In the sequence, it was presented the options and technical advantages of the different models of evaporators and condensers, as well as details of the correct application of these equipments.

As a third theme, it was talked about what happens on the side of the air inside the cold chambers, that is, the psychrometry of the air and its effects on the dehydration of food. In the Lima lecture, this theme was much worked, including analyzing all the existing psychrometric processes.

As a fourth and final theme, the diagnosis of a refrigeration system was discussed, using a very interesting video on overheating and subs cooling, analyzing everything that happens inside a refrigeration system.

The active participation of the present technicians with questions and comments was very intense and positive and surely, was a very interesting and great work for all who had the opportunity to participate.

Deltafrio\'s technical lectures work continues to grow in importance and bring to market a wealth of important information and experiences, with a focus on the usefulness of this information to the day to day life of refrigeration professionals.

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