Atmosphere of novelty and optimism at Febrava 2017

Continuing the tradition, Deltafrio was once again present in this that is the main refrigeration exhibition of latin america and as usual, presenting to the market important innovations.

Deltafrio is gradually increasing its efforts to offer the market solutions different from the usual, and this year we seeked to present an even clearer position in this regard.

The DHS Seal attached to the equipment and presented in this edition of the exhibition, symbolize our main novelty presented for most of the line of evaporators. This is a signature of High Quality "Delta High Standard", making clear to the market our commitment to offer the best product in terms of durability, efficiency and finishing.

Deltafrio's macro project is to be the company that offers the market the best product in terms of quality and at a fair price, which briefly means the best cost-benefit ratio.

The product line signed by the DHS seal will definitely not enter into price disputes, it will position itself as a line of equipment that will deliver the best result and is targeted to customers concerned not only with investment values but primarily concerned with the return on this investment.

This thought of Deltafrio, coupled with dominant thoughts that the worst of the crisis has been behind, have made the climate in our booth been extremely positive and confident in a future that begins now.

In addition to this important UP GRADE in the line of traditional equipments, we also present the evolution of the R & D ECOturbo project, which has evolved for even more efficiency, as well as compliance with NR, a patent at international level and now goes for UL certification.

And so it follows Deltafrio, standing firm in its DNA of innovative company, manifested clearly in its Slogan "Differences that anticipate the future".

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