Begins AHR Expo Mexico 2016

The very hot weather in the city of Monterrey in Mexico seems the be the perfect setting for a fair of Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation.

Here, there are reports and records of up to 47°C of temperatures in the shade, fortunately in the week of the fair the heat is not so intense, but 34°C can be considered very warm and worthy of a fair dedicated to temperature control.

The first day of the fair had a lot of visitors, but higher expectations are for today that is the second day, noting that the fair takes place from 20th to 22nd September.

Deltafrio is proud to be participating in international fairs, strengthening its brand and presence in different countries.

Our products are known to have high quality and our innovative company profile, has gained more dsitribuidores, technicians and users in different countries.

And so, we follow with our project to increase the presence of Deltafrio brand in the global market.

See below for more photos of the fair...

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