Delta Frio Launches New Website

September kicks off with new features at Delta Frio. The new website ( presents the company in full, offering dynamic interaction with clients. Through the company\'s new page, visitors can keep abreast with the latest news, photos and videos, along with detailed information on all product lines. An area will also be available for downloading content about the refrigeration segment, such as technical information, tips on installation, maintenance and cleaning, warranties and catalogues, among others. The delta Frio website was developed by WP Communicação and programmed by ILEX Internet Solutions.

Delta Frio

Delta Frio is active in the development and manufacture of evaporators and finned condensers. Products are aimed at cold rooms, process rooms, tunnel freezers, commercial refrigerators and equipment requiring heat exchangers. Since its establishment, in 2001, in the city of São Sebastião do Caí/RS, the company has invested constantly in research and development, action that affirms the Delta Frio slogan: differences that anticipate the future.

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