ECOturbo is recognized as a Deltafrio patent

After years of insatiable research, always looking for a product that could be innovative in both efficiency and design - together with the Laboratory of Mechanics Fluids of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and the professionals of the company Look 180 - the company developed The ECOturbo project, which project is finally recognized as a unique and exclusive idea of Deltafrio until October 2025.

ECOturbo stands out as a unique and innovative project because it achieves better efficiency in the desired cooling in a shorter time, making its energy consumption significantly lower. Its design - inspired by aircraft turbines - has a new propeller that allows optimizations in airflow, component life and noise reduction. In addition to this, ECOturbo\'s constructive way has been carefully designed to create facilities for installation, maintenance and hygiene of the product.

Currently, the project was recognized as a unique and exclusive idea of merit of Deltafrio, already being requested of international patent. The equipment is not yet available for sale because the team is in the final phase of adjustments that aims to reach the optimum point of the product that promises to be prominent in the international market.

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