National Meeting of Industry

The National Meeting of Industry (ENAI) is an annual convention for the Brazilian industrial sector, which, in 2015, celebrated its 10th anniversary of debates in the defense of industry interests.

It brings together some 2,000 participants, including business leaders, industry and government representatives, to align and validate positions with a focus on defensive actions for national industry and the competitive development of the sector.

The central theme of the tenth edition of ENAI is \"Brazil: course adjustment and correction\". Discussions ate the event will include how industry and Brazil can adjust their processes and implement possible course corrections.

Find the preliminary program for the event below:

Wednesday, November 11



8 am to 9:30 am


9:30 am to 10:20 am 

Opening Ceremony

- Robson Braga de Andrade, President of CNI
- Armando Monteiro Neto, Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade

- Carlos Eduardo de Souza Braga, Minister of Mines and Energy


10:20 am to 11 am 

Talk| Current economic challenges 

- Joaquim Levy, State Minister of Finance (to be confirmed)

11 am to 12:30 pm 

Session 1 | National Congress in a challenging environment for companies

Talk Show (90’)
Moderator – William Waack, journalist

- Senator Ricardo Ferraço – PMDB/ES
- Senator Cássio Cunha Lima - PSDB/PB
- Senator José Pimentel - PT/CE 
- Deputy Bruno Araújo - PSDB/PE
- Deputy Paulo Teixeira - PT/SP
- Deputy Celso Russomano - PRB/SP

12:30 pm to 2 pm


2 pm to 3 pm 

Session 2 | Brazilian economic scenario 

Talk (20’) 
Henrique Meirelles, President of the Board for J&F Investimentos

Q&A between speaker and guests (40’)
- Glauco Côrte, President of FIESC and COPIN

- Beto Studart, President of FIEC 
- Astor Schmitt, Shareholder and Institutional Relations Executive for Randon
- Ricardo Felizzola - President of HT Micron 

- José Eugênio Souza de Bueno Gizzi – President of Sinduscon/PR

3 pm to 4:20 pm 

Session 3 | Productivity: solutions within the reach of industry
Talk (20’)
Vijay Gosula, Managing partner of McKinsey Brasil 

Talk Show (60’)
Moderator – Leila Sterenberg, Journalist

- Vijay Gosula, Managing partner of McKinsey Brasil
- Marcos Otávio Bezerra Prates - Director of the Department of Intensive Industries and Labor and Natural Resources for the MDIC 
- Marcelo Marx, General director of Delta Frio
- Heloísa Menezes, Director of SEBRAE 

4:20 pm to 4:30 pm 

Presentation | Update of the fundamental points related to the 2014 Industry Charter 2014 

 - José Augusto Fernandes, Director of Policy and Strategy for CNI 

4:30 pm to 6 pm 

Session 4 | Joining the pieces: agenda for Brazilian industry

Talk Show (90’) 
Moderator – Cristiano Romero, Journalist

- Marcos Munhoz, Vice-president of GM do Brasil and GM South America
- Humberto Barbato, President of Abinee
- José Carlos Martins - President of CBIC
- Paulo Stark - President and CEO of Siemens Ltda
- Bráulio Borges - Chief Economist for LCA and IBRE - FGV Researcher      


Wednesday, November 12



8:30 am to 10 am

Session 5 | Union action: innovating to generate results

Talk (20’) – Silvio Meira, Associate Professor of Escola de Direito Rio, part of the FGV

Talk Show (70’)
Moderator – Marcelo Lomelino, Specialist in trade Union Relations

- Amaro Sales, President of FIERN
- Hans Bethe, President of SIMMMEB/SC 
- Lauro Martins, President of SINDIPAN/CE
- Eduardo Jorge, President of SINDUSCON/AM

10 am to 11 am

Key Lecture | Ex-President Bill Clinton - Founder of the Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States

11 am to 12 pm



For further information like registration, ENAI memorandum, photos and videos, visit: http

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