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Green Refrigeration in focus

Sensitive to environmental issues and the future of refrigeration on the planet, Deltafrio updates its line of evaporators and condensers for application in industrial refrigeration and presents to the market its solutions for application with ecological fluids.
The international seminar of ammonia refrigeration promoted by Refrigeración Beirut was the ideal stage and forum for Deltafrio to present the technological advantages embedded in its "refurbished" line of evaporators and industrial condensers.
Emphasizing the issue of product reliability, Deltafrio had the opportunity to present its green solutions to the market of Costa Rica, as well as to interact with refrigeration professionals and entrepreneurs of the food industry.
In addition to the NH3 seminar held in San José (capital of Costa Rica), Deltafrio is also taking advantage of this second fortnight of February to carry out work in some cities of Costa Rica, as well as presenting its line of green equipment in other countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Ecuador and Colombia.
Deltafrio offers a very complete line of condensers and evaporators for industrial refrigeration, for application in cold rooms, Process Rooms and freezing tunnels. The Campaign will last the first half of 2019 and foresees different actions in sequence abroad and in Brazil.