Deltafrio equipment in Expoalimentaria

Important comercial partner of DELTAFRIO, the INEMA company from Chile presents this week its newest release. It\'s a freezing tunnel that harnesses the container structure to which is attached an insulation Polyurethane injected 100mm, coated with diamond aluminum.

The interior of the tunnel has the evaporators DELTAFRIO mark consisting of 4 finned batteries and 12 fans of 630mm diameter, providing a total air flow 112.000m³ / h.

The freezing tunnel is made even with semi-hermetic compressor screw, and the entire engine room has been mounted inside the container itself, which ultimately results in a useful volume of the tunnel for product 43,72m³

The goal of the tunnel is to freeze 3600kg of product in 12 hours, and can be hidrobiological or agro-industrial products, with the final temperature reaching -18°C, and the operation pattern condition is -32ºC / + 45ºC.

To give you an idea of ​​the air flow potential offered by evaporators DELTAFRIO in this project, all the tunnel air volume will pass 2562 times per hour by the finned batteries.

DELTAFRIO is proud to be participating in this release along with INEMA, we are all convinced of the enormous potential for success of this latest project.

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