Launching of the DHS Concept Abroad

Guided by the Slogan Differences that Anticipate the Future, Deltafrio firmly adheres to its principles and works focused on innovation, strengthening its commitment to continue to develop innovative and proper solutions of the market.

The latest news is the DHS-Delta Hight Standart concept, which consists of equipment with a high level of quality, in which different inputs and procedures are used so that allow to provide a 5-year warranty on the product.

The DHS concept that had already been presented at Febrava last September was also presented at different events held in the cities of Quito, Guayaquil, Manta, El Salvador, Guatemala City and Managua.

In all events, the halls have always been absolutely crowded, with an average of more than 100 refrigeration professionals attending each event.

In addition to the launch of the DHS concept, these events also served for disclosure of various other news that are being worked out by the companies.

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