Launch of the program BRAZIL MORE PRODUCTIVE in Brasilia

The project most productive Brazil, released on April 6, 2016 in the Ministry of Development in Brasilia, has a budget of R$ 50 million and will support 3000 companies nationwide.
The idea is to make a rapid response, with 90 day of period, in the production processes of small and medium-sized businesses (up to 200 employees) in four sectors: furniture, metal-mechanic, food and beverage, apparel and footwear.
Each industry will receive an advisor under measure, specific to reorganize their physical spaces and eliminate problems identified in the production lines. This consultancy will have 120 hours of time per company and a clear goal: at least 20% of productivity increase within six months, counted from the end of all interventions.
Deltafrio participated in the pilot project that served as a test and inspiration for the creation of this program at national level. Improvements have been made in two sectors of the company, in the stamping and final assembly industry, obtaining significant results in both improved productivity.
In the stamping sector, it was possible to achieve significantly reduces in the SETUP times and in the final assembly sector, the main gains were in order to reduce the amount of unproductive walks of people and equipment to increase production capacity per day.

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