News in the air

This is already the fourth edition in which Deltafrio exhibits at the fair AHRexpo, continuity that should be maintained year after year as a sequence of the project of internationalization of the brand.

Until now, the AHR fair has been used by the company as a meeting point to meet with its customers of Latin America and Central America, as these customers visit this fair annually in the United States.

DFX Evaporator has been the main product developed by Deltafrio in these fairs. Differentials such as the high efficiency of the defrosting system, the modularity of the electrical resistances and the versatility of models, have been some of the characteristics most admired and praised by the customers.

Although this was already the fourth participation of Deltafrio in this fair, until now the company had not yet focused on the North American market, the project of the company is to start operating in this market from 2018.

In the second half of 2017, the ECOturbo project, a result of 6 years of research and development, developed in partnership with Design professionals of the federal university of Rio Grande do Sul, will finally be on the market.

The ECOturbo project is absolutely a pioneer in the worldwide evaporator market, so much that the company has an International Patent Application with the PCT - International Patent System.

Due to the diverse technical advantages of this project, the company intends from 2018 to advance in new frontiers such as in the North American market and Europe.

In January of 2018 the fair will take place in Chicago, Deltafrio will again be present, this time already with ECOturbo, starting to take new and important steps in the world market.

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